When deciding on how to best represent the interests of businesses with regards to GDPR compliance journeys the Komfi Group experience shows that a guided consultancy process is the best model.
In the words of the UK Information Commissioner
"(GDPR) is about moving away from seeing the law as a box ticking exercise",
this has influenced our process greatly. The authority who will enforce GDPR in the UK, the ICO, are not going to rate a business's level of compliance or the willingness they demonstrate to comply by the amount of paperwork they have on the subject alone, locked away in an office somewhere.
This new law is aimed at bringing about a genuine cultural change with regards to how organisations value their data protection considerations, starting at board level and pervading all areas of the business as it cascades down.
The best way to demonstrate compliance with GDPR, and to avoid financial penalties for non-compliance, is to actually apply it to your business practically, and the best way to that is to understand it. Hence, our GDPR practitioner guided compliance journey, starting with awareness training for all key stakeholders of your organisation: its scope and how that will apply to you, the various new definitions surrounding data protection, new individuals rights you need to be aware of and your new obligations.
From there we will together build a detailed overview of your business operations and bring those in line with GDPR, train your staff on how to work with new policies and show you as business owners and managers how to maintain your continuous compliance.
It's a journey best taken together, and it might seem to be a daunting task, but we're going to help you through every part of it.